A Little About Me

I've been enthusiastically pursuing my love of art since I was 8 years old.  That was about the age that I won a poster contest and received 3 Silver Dollars.  

I had a mentor tell me once that everyone has the ability to draw, and as kids we all loved to.  But somewhere around the ages of 10 - 12 we self critiqued ourselves and decided we couldn't draw.  Those few who received encouragement or instruction continued.  I guess I was lucky and was one of the ones who never stopped drawing.  I couldn't imagine my life without art.

I was born in Central Washington and grew up there.  My art education was very much self taught for the first 18 years of my life as my art teachers were usually distracted with the typical class full of students that just took Art as free period.  I was usually left on my own to pursue what ever interest I chose.  At one point, my art classes consumed half my time at school.

After graduating from High School, I enrolled in to a trade school.  The school had just started a 1 1/2 year Graphic Arts program.  I chose to start in the 2nd session, and as I didn't want to mess with all the miscellaneous classes at the local community college and just focus of art, this path sounded perfect.  My classes and training were in Advertising, Sign Painting & Airbrush, and Photography.  I learned a lot during this time, but it wasn't enough as I would find out.

I graduated and figured I was a catch for the local advertising agencies having what I considered a great portfolio.  Wrong.  I was told at each interview, "love your work, we just don't have any need for what you do".  What's a poor boy to do?  After a year or so of bumping around town, I decided to take a desperate step to get more training, I joined the Air Force.

I left for Basic Training with a small portfolio in hand, determined to get a job as a Graphic Artist on my own since my recruiter wouldn't promise me anything.  The time came for me to talk with the job guy.  My work (mostly snapshots) impressed him and he offered my the chance to be either a Photographer or Graphic Artist.  I chose to be a Graphic Artist as that was closer to where my true talent lay, and I never looked back.  My original enlistment turned into a twenty year career that I look back on proudly.

During my time in the military I met and married my wife.  Together we have been blessed with 7 great children, 3 girls and 4 boys (the boys win).  It is somewhat more difficult to paint with young children around (as they want to too), so I usually work with media that I can quickly fold up and put away.  But there is nothing better then sharing a coloring book or some finger paints with your kids and watching the excitement and delight in their eyes as they create their master pieces.

These days my work is more on the computer then with traditional medium such as oil paint or pencil, but I find myself using each to compliment the other.  I don't think I will ever be ranked as a significant person in the art world, but if my work or my knowledge or passion influences others to pursue their passion, I will be happy.